So I was thinking which room to post next on the great house reveal of '09 and I was stumped. Its rainy, cloudy, gray and just one of those mornings that you don't want to get out of bed for anything. (Except maybe to use the bathroom, because seriously, everyone has to use the bathroom...)Looking out the windows made sad, so I started to think of a happy place, Hawai'i. The hubs and I went there for our honeymoon in '06 and had the best trip ever! We decided that we liked the Hawai'ian lifestyle so much that when we bought our house (after only being married a few short months) we'd have a Hawai'i themed room.Enter the guest bathroom.When we moved in it was Easter-purple. (You know the color, that pastel-y purple...ok, I guess it was lavender?) Anyway, it worked for a while, but I always knew I wanted something more bold in there...but I really liked the idea of a purple bathroom. Since we don't have kids, and this would one day be their bathroom, I didn't want it to be too adult-ish or too kid-ish...just 'right'...kinda like Goldilocks. While looking through my colorwaves from Sherwin Williams, I came across the best deep, rich purple ever. Results:
Hunting for a shower curtain worried me at first because I didn't want one that had too much pattern on it (because what if I grew tired of monkeys sitting on palm trees?) and then, I heard the church choir rejoice when I saw the hula skirt shower curtain. Without a second thought, it was ours!!
The surf boards on the wall are appliques from Joann's (like these). They came in a pack of three, and with my 40% coupon came to about $20...awesome!
I used all white frames for the pictures in here so they really stood the white shelves over the toilet- they can't hold anything practical, but they are so cute!! Check out the aloha frame on the bottom shelf, hehe.
Oh, and if you were wondering why there are little Stitch characters on the top shelf...we got a soft spot for Experiment 626 (and, he lives in Hawai'i with Lilo, so it makes perfect sense!)