A funny thing happens when you complete a project after brewing over it for a few months, you relax. Last night, after busting my butt for the past two months (no, that's not a typo) the house is completed.
I crawled into bed at 11.30p.m. (eastern standard time...just in case you were wondering) got all snuggly and waited for the sleepy-sheep to carry me off to la-la land. "Ahhh", I said to myself, "I'm done"....and then I waited.
NOTHING. I laid there. In bed waiting for the damn sheep. They didn't show; apparently they were taking the night off. Assholes.
As I laid there cursing the sleepy-sheep, I thought about how overwhelmed I felt the first day I walked into the house armed with my paint brush.
Craaaaap; there is a lot of trim in our house!
Then how excited I felt when I saw the final product of our master bath (this is the before):
So by now you must be wondering what I did yesterday that allows me to say MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?! Lemme start at the beginning of my week:
Monday I tackled the final two rooms that had oak-stained trim in them. The hubs helped me prime the trim, move the furniture and that was that. (In case you were wondering, I slept like a baby Monday night...)
Yesterday I woke up, took Jack to the vet, made a drop into Home Depot grabbed some paint, rolled up my sleeves and sunk my teeth into painting the walls of the two final rooms. Yippy!
First step was to move the remaining pieces of odd furniture to the center of the rooms, then pull down pictures, spackle the holes, pour the paint and we're off! I started painting the back room first when my mil called, "hey, you wanna meet us for lunch around noon?" "yeah!". Painting took a back seat to pizza...
I come back from lunch with a full belly of pizza (seriously, if you looked at my belly, I'm sure you'd be able to see a pepperoni through my skin- yeah, it was awesome) and got back into paint-mode.
In two hours, the room was done. Totally. 100% done. Yippy! (Part of me wanted to stop, run downstairs and pop open a beer to celebrate, but I thought that might throw off my straight line groove...so I moved onto the front room.)
By the time the hubs came home at 6.15 the front room was 98% completed.
Yeah, I'm a beast.
When we sat down to eat dinner at 7 it was completed. Everything was done. I celebrated with a beer and some homemade cookies, hehe.
After dinner it was time to move all the furniture between the two rooms, vacuum the carpet (because, eww...you think your carpets are clean, but then you move furniture, gross.) and then caulk the base boards...yeah, you'd THINK I would have fell into la-la land before my head even hit the pillow...
Tonight the adventure continues as I shuffle through all the crap that's now homeless until I get my new desk. Just the thought of coming up the stairs and seeing the piles o' stuff waiting for their new home makes me feel ill.
Santa, can I borrow a few of your elves?
I hope the sleepy-sheep get the memo and show up on time tonight.