Wednesday, February 16, 2011

If you give Erin a chair....

For the past four years we have enjoyed a corner bookcase that showcases our Disney collectibles. We got the bookcase from the hubs great grandmother. When I first saw it I thought, "eek! This is perfect. Its so unique! We have a corner that will make a great home for it!" (I didn't even see that it was lime green with a gold crackle finish...I just saw the bones.)

I'm like, an x-ray machine.

It didn't get too far out of the truck before it was spray painted black. I have a trigger finger with black spray paint. That's just how I roll. (I tend to buy several cans of black spray paint to keep in the house, "just in case"...haha)

So the other day we are watching a movie with the fam...and it hits me. We need more seating in here. It was like a bolt of lighting struck me down. DUH!

Here's what the corner looks like now

Since I'm making my maiden voyage to IKEA this weekend (I know...I know...) I've got a list brewing in my head of what I want to look much I want to spend. The requirement I have for a chair for this corner is simple- it must be comfortable. I intend to sit on it UH-LOT so comfy is a top priority.

I'm liking this chair. Its simple. Black. Price, HELLO?! Can you beat $79? I don't think so...but it will have to past the butt-test. I can't wait!
Then I'd also have to have a great side table to go with it...and probably a lamp...ooooooh- this is going to be like the kids book, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie"- ever read it? Yeah...I'm that mouse.